✨Space Holder✨. Energy Healer • Intuitive Counselor • Wellness/Fitness Coach • Reiki Master Teacher
Angel Therapy Practitioner • Medium • 200 RYT• KRI Certified Kundalini Teacher• Channel
Hello Friends~
I was called to start a 5 Week course over 6 months ago to help shift, activate, and Awaken the potential that resides in each of us. There is a major ascension happening on the planet, you are witnessing it everywhere! We are changing fast as a collective (may not always feel that way, but we are) and the ability to adjust, maintain anchored into the only thing that doesn't waver, and allow what is NO LONGER serving you to fall away, is a saving grace to this beautiful ALCHEMY that is occurring. NOW, that sounds all groovy, right!? LOL, but not so easy, so what I am told is that these Activations *Meditations* are supporting us and holding us in love while accelerating our process. A process that is already happening. Your SOUL purpose being here on earth is to come back home to you. Everything else is just a dance, mask you wear, illusion you believe, hat you put on. Its time to go deeper, and see who you are underneath all the distractions. ITS TIME...for YOU! Which means, its time for ALL.
We did the first one in July and the power, magic and transformation I witnessed in myself and in all that took the course was humbling and just so magnificent. Then, I was called to do a Part 2, and honestly, I reluctantly agreed...lol (surrendered more like it). And the magic that was co-created was expansive and beyond inspiring.
There is much more The Guides would like to share and co-create. I was told that there is great importance in ending 2020 together and starting 2021 together in this vibrational resonance. Sooooo starting next week, TUESDAY DECEMBER 8th, I am going to be offering the next 5 Week Course. I am told this one is also going to be taking us through DNA Activations, Accessing Light Codes, And doing Deep subconscious healing from lifetimes. We will be Diving deeper! I just show up each week and see where they direct us. So, this is all I can really say at this time. I Do feel and KNOW how incredibly powerful these courses are, on multiple levels, and I get teary with appreciation that I get to be a part of this journey with so many powerful, beautiful souls.
**Important Note: You didn't have to take Part 1 or Part 2 to join us for Part 3** SO please listen to yourself if you are being called to join us !
** These are ALL recorded and you have access to them for LIFE ** And can do on your own time!
This course will include DNA Activations each night. Meaning we will be waking up some inactive DNA strands that hold multi-dimensional truths that you have not be able to access. These activations will expand your awareness and expand your inner vision. Your intuition will organically be increased and your ability to See the unseen will be accessible. We will be accessing Light Codes and working with Sacred Geometry to support and enhance our ascension process.
We will be working with, connecting to and exploring our relationship with The Guides (my term of summing up all the high vibrational beautiful beings of Light that I work with).
Like we did in Part 1 & 2 we will also be working with the ability to move between Dimensions. How to maintain and sustain your vibration in the higher dimensions. Which will have to include working on our wounded 3rd Dimensional Selves (Ego, Earthly Wounds, Programming that keeps you stuck). We will be getting into the Polarities of this 3rd dimension, how to play with them, move through, and beyond them so that you mindfully engage in them without being "Caught up" in them.
I feel and am told this will feel like a very personalized Course. Your own personal message and support on your evolutionary process.
If any of this resonates with you, I hope to share in this opportunity with you. I feel overwhelmed with Gratitude that we are getting this offering of wisdom and I can't WAIT to share and open the portals of potential with you!!
It will be:
~ Tuesday Evenings 7:15-8:30pm
~ December 8th, 15th, 22nd, January 5th, 12th
~ Cost $355
**355** Meaning & Vibration it holds:
The number 3 resonates with a love of fun and pleasure, self-expression and communication, support and encouragement, natural talents and skills, enthusiasm and joy. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters. The Number 5 resonates with making important life choices and decisions, major life changes, spontaneity and adventure, adaptability and versatility, individualism, personal freedom and life sessions earned through experience.
Angel Number 355 encourages you to be clear with yourself about what you believe and what you want to change.
355 is a message that major life changes are around you, and you may be feeling apprehensive or anxious about what lays ahead of you. Know that these changes are happening to advance you along your life path and to help you fulfill your Souls mission. You are encouraged to take full advantage of the changes and the new opportunities that will present in your life. Your prayers and positive affirmations have manifested these much needed changes, so trust that they are right for you. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance, so eventhough the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your souls mission.
Be true to yourself and live accordingly. Dance to the beat of your own drum and trust that your prayers will be answered; sometimes in the most unlikely and unexpected ways.
Number 355 relates to number 4 (3+5+5=13, 1+3=4) The Angels are All around you and supporting you.
Please please ask any questions...and reserve your spot!
Oh, and this will be Virtual, so it is accessible to wherever you reside!!