✨Space Holder✨. Energy Healer • Intuitive Counselor • Wellness/Fitness Coach • Reiki Master Teacher
Angel Therapy Practitioner • Medium • 200 RYT• KRI Certified Kundalini Teacher• Channel
Awaken Your Divine Intuition Class
This class is powerful, healing, warm, opening, nurturing, and so much FUN! We engage in intuitive exercises, readings, guided meditations, automatic writing, Angel Healing, channeling, inner child work, and whatever Spirit facilitates. Each class is unique and designed with ample space for inner work and reflection. We learn how to listen to our inner voices--and trust our intuition, while uncovering divine gifts and embracing our beauty!
Each class ~ 2 hours…$33 per class.
See calender for scheduled workshops.
Healing with Your Angels Workshop
Part of the workshop includes a Guided Meditation, and you will also get a chance to do a guided Angel Channel. An energetic space will be held for you each to receive personalize messages from your Angels.
These magical beings are excited to enlighten, guide, and share ways & messages to move closer to our personal freedom, internal peace and unconditional love.
2 hour Workshop... $44 per person.
See calendar for scheduled workshops.
Crystal Healing Course
During this course we will be learning about the amazing healing properties of crytals. We will be spending time tuning into our crystals, learning how to clear, cleanse, and use them for many different purposes (chakra clearing, mediation, cyrstal gridding, etc)
2 hour course: $44 per person.
See calender for scheduled classes.